mercredi 5 avril 2023

Raheem DaDream, Spion Liape and others - Cosmic Brothers Vol. 3 (2023)

01.Cosmic Love - Raheem Dadream ft. Sun Sedek, Morales and Tafa Truth (prod. Spion Liape)
02.Universal Harmony - Nemesis Of Pure Order, Pizzo Tha Lp, and Raheem Dadream
03.Overhaul - Raheem Dadream ft. Mic Dailie and Chromatik(cuts bt DJ Shaywho)
04.Brother Nabeel - ft. Mxps Rellington and Raheem Dadream (prod. Spion Liape) (2)
05.Essential Dreams - Raheem Dadream ft. Plasthic Slash, and Eternal Turbulence (cuts by Skinny BonezTha Godfatha)
06.Cosmic Adventure - Raheem Dadream ft. Blaq Minista and Raheed Tha Wisdomist (cuts by Skinny Bonez Tha GodFatha)
07.Dim Darkness - Raheem Dadream ft. Star
08.Tears Of A Brother - Raheem Dadream ft. Pharuna and Mercy Philip
09.Brown Butterfly - Raheem Dadream ft. Brownie
10.Cosmic Sounds - Raheem Dadream ft. Black Rebel
11.Moments - Raheem Dadream ft. Sentence


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